You Had No Idea These Common Household Items Were Meant To Be Used Like This

Published on 09/01/2019

Shirt Loops

Did you know that you will not only find shirt loops in t-shirts? They actually come with nice collared shirts as well. This is a practice that has roots in the Navy. When you are out at sea, you do not have a lot of closet space. It is how sailors hang their clothes on hooks! In the ‘60s, college kids used them to keep them neat when they go to the gym. They are often left on to show class and quality these days.

Shirt Loops

Shirt Loops


Gas Gauge Arrow

You might have already taken note of this if you drive a car. Beside the gas gauge of nearly every car made from 2010 onwards, you will find an arrow that points either to the left or the right! It is a way to remind the driver of the car which side the gas cap is on. This might not be all that helpful if you have been driving the car for a considerable amount of time. However, it might come in handy when you are using a brand-new vehicle or a rental car. We think it’s a pretty cool feature!

Gas Gauge Arrow

Gas Gauge Arrow