Guys See A Wolf In His Coyote Trap And He Has The Perfect Response

Published on 08/12/2021

Mountain Lions Too

Mind you, not all trappers try to catch coyotes. People out west deal with mountain lions, for one thing. They normally keep out of the way, although they might go to the suburbs in search of food as well.

Mountain Lions Too

Mountain Lions Too

Even though they can be destructive, some people say that their numbers need to be controlled. Sadly, the population was been on the decline. In fact, there are only 30,000 left! How did this happen?


Controlling Mountain Lions

The mountain lion population has been going down for years. However, these animals can indeed be very destructive. The large cats tend to be extremely intimidating and even dangerous to everyone.

Controlling Mountain Lions

Controlling Mountain Lions

How should they be controlled? Some people trap them, although this does not happen that often. They are huge, so one must resort to special methods. However, it is illegal to kill them in most states.