Ways To Keep Your Home Warm In The Winter Without Breaking The Bank

Published on 12/25/2019

Especially if you live in an area that gets frigid during the winter months, you know the pain of hoping to walk into a warm and toasty house after being outside, but coming in only to feel the disappointment of a house that’s barely warmer than outside. If you’re the one who pays the bills, though, you may know the exact reason for this. Having your heat on all day every day can rack up a huge gas bill very quickly, which is something that is never fun to deal with. Luckily, we have some tricks for you to use in order to keep your home and your bank account comfortable all winter long.

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Ways To Keep Your Home Warm In The Winter Without Breaking The Bank

Insulate Your Windows

Whether you choose to spend the money on a professional to get more sophisticated-looking window insulation or you choose to go old school and tape a plastic tarp over your windows– which is definitely the cheaper and more DIY-friendly option– insulating your windows is a great and efficient way to keep out icy cold breezes of wind during harsh winters. The downside of hiring a professional is, of course, spending so much money for someone to come do this for you; whereas, the downside of doing it yourself and taping a tarp is that it’s not as pleasing to the eye. Most tarps are too thick to be able to see out of. You will still get the natural light shining in through your window, you just won’t be able to enjoy the views of a snowfall. The tarp option is probably a better choice for a baby’s room or a room you don’t frequently go in or let anyone else see.

If You Have A Fireplace, Use It

If your home is one that has a fireplace, consider yourself lucky! Most fireplaces are ones where you need to put in real wood and light it yourself, which means it is not using gas or electricity at all. Of course, fire creates heat, which will warm up your home nicely. On top of this, you’ll have the comforting smell and picturesque view of a beautiful fireplace lit in your home, which is a classic staple of winter and holiday season, especially in places that need to get as much heat as they can!

Lower The Thermostat When You Aren’t Home

If nobody in your house is usually home throughout most or all of the day, why pay to have the heat blasting? If you live somewhere that is very cold, it’s not safe to turn the heat off completely, but it is perfectly fine to turn the heat down a few degrees while nobody is using it. For example, during the day you can have the thermostat set to 65 degrees while nobody is home, then program it to automatically switch itself up to 70 degrees in the evening. You won’t believe how much money this will save!