Landscape design is a magical and mystical topic. A landscape is not something that necessarily ever truly goes out of style or ages, landscapes as long as kept well and maintained have the ability to be timeless. Afterall they encompass your mood, vibe and an atmosphere for your property and have the great ability to lift your spirit or create a spot of calm, a sanctuary almost. We have the latest trends if you are looking to re-do or redesign your space.

The Top Landscaping Trends You Must Know About
Two-In-One Landscape Design
Homeowners want functionality as much as scenery. The aim is to be able to actually use the space for a purpose. Turning your yard into a space with purpose, how? Well, a vertical vegetable garden that can also create a fence or some sort of border is an enjoyable way to engage with your garden. Another idea is a retaining wall with built-in seating which creates an engaging space for friends and family.
Automated Maintenance
In the modern-day and age, we should not be having to wake up early and tend to our gardens, technology is on the rise and it is time to embrace it in our gardens just as much as we do in every other aspect of day to day life. There is now technology available to mow the lawn and water your plants and they are great long term investments! Simply set the devices and they will do the trick.
Sophisticated Pergolas
These overhead structures are making a huge comeback and in a modern and innovative way. They provide shade, allow you to string lights and hang lights too. The newer versions include space heaters, sound systems, built-in lighting and give you an opportunity to utilize the space around them to create an engaging atmosphere. This will truly take your yard to the next level.