We’re sure you’ve all heard of concrete…it is most builders and architect’s building material of choice. Get ready, because this time we’re not just talking about the bland composite material found in construction zones and on backyard patios. Nope, we’re bringing concrete into the home, and it’s here to stay! Accent walls and ship-lap are so out, and concrete is so IN. With endless ways to use this cool material, you won’t be lacking in the ideas department. Take a look at how others have used concrete in the most fabulous ways!

Hot Design Trend – Concrete!
Many people look at concrete at its face value (a building material) and often overlook it. While it is most frequently used when building roads, bridges and buildings, we’re taking this composite to a whole new level.
Concrete Flooring
Although using concrete as a flooring material may be the most obvious use, we’re taking it a step further. A buff finish can be a bit dull and boring, try livening it up with a gloss finish instead. The sleek look will surprise your guests and make them want to try the same trick. Concrete is an extremely durable material, making it a great flooring material, especially for those who have kids riding skateboards in the house! Don’t assume grey is the only color you can use. Concrete is actually a very stainable material, so the entire color wheel is at your fingertips!
Concrete Countertops
We are also seeing a rise in concrete countertops, the durability and cost-effectiveness a win-win for parents. If you apply a sealant every 2 years, your countertop should last at least 25 years. Count us in!
We haven’t even mentioned all of the ways concrete can be used in the home…the possibilities are endless! Concrete in showers, and concrete planter pots are two other amazing ideas. Let your imaginations run free, and concrete on!