The Most Unexpected Movie Moments That You Didn’t Know About

Published on 12/09/2018

When Harry Met Sally

Can you recall the scene in the film When Harry Met Sally where the funny line, “I would be proud to partake of your pecan pie,” was said? Billy Crystal made that up on the spot. When you watch the scene, you can see Meg Ryan cracking up and then looking at the director to get some instructions. Apparently, the director loved the scene, told Meg to play along, and kept it in the final cut!

When Harry Met Sally

When Harry Met Sally


The Dark Knight

In The Dark Knight, Heath Ledger was so great that he has been acclaimed as one of the greatest ‘Jokers’ of all time. Even though his acting was definitely superb, the script was also outstanding. Despite that, the Nolan Brothers didn’t actually plan a few of the most iconic moments in the film. One really good example was when Ledger improvised the chilling scene where the Joker claps his hands sarcastically while the police officers are celebrating the promotion of Gordon.

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight