You Won’t Believe What Happened When Surrogate Mom Delivers Pair Of Twins

Published on 01/20/2019

All For The Baby

At the time, she was employed by Omega Family Global, the San Diego-based business that connected her and the hopeful pair. In April 2016, a single male embryo was implanted into her uterus via a process called in-vitro fertilization. Surrogates have to consume estrogen and progestogen to ready the wombs for the implantation. She followed the doctor’s directions before and after the procedure to ensure a successful pregnancy. However, the doctor found something concerning six weeks later.

All For The Baby

All For The Baby


The Unthinkable Happened

After the six-week scan, the medical professionals informed Allen that there were two babies in the womb. The doctor said that while it was rare for embryos to split, it did happen. Allen was relieved to learn that this was nothing out of the ordinary and the couple was thrilled to hear the news.

The Unthinkable Happened

The Unthinkable Happened